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  • Writer's pictureAdmin@ Sakalya


Doorva or Indian doab grass or Bermuda grass is the most common of the grasses. The Bahama grass or Doorva or Cynodon dactylon is important for different people for different reasons. For Ayurveda followers and practitioners Doorva it is the second among Dashapushpams and is a key immune-modulator among the group. The special constituent, CDPF (Cynodon dactylon protein factor) present in the grass is responsible for its immune boosting properties. Rich in fibre, protein, vitamin C, calcium, pottassium, manganese and other essential minerals, Doorva is a treasured neutraceutical and pharmaceutical herb.

It plays a major in the protection and promotion of a woman’s health during her life time as the first choice for PCOS, heavy menstrual and off cycle bleeding, habitual abortion, decreased or no lactation, vaginal discharges and anaemia. If an Ayurveda doctor is being approached with a case of urinary tract infection, the prescription mentions Doorva without a second thought. This is because the grass is anti-microbial, febrifuge, diuretic and immune boosting. The grass, a proven styptic, is primarily used in bleeding from any orifice as nose bleeds, cut bleeds and bleeding piles. It heals wounds and is also a psychotropic drug. Merely walking barefoot on a Doorva turf, calms down the agitated mind. The grass is also good for eye diseases and skin diseases.

How to use at home?

Collect the grass from a clean, hygienic place or grow it yourself. Watch for mud and insects. Clean thoroughly before using. Sterilization is important when used for wounds, eyes and such other purposes.

  • Boil 200 ml each of milk and water with 5 grams of crushed whole grass for 30 minutes on a low flame. Cool, strain, add a teaspoon of honey and drink to boost your immune system. This can also be used in dysfunctional uterine bleeding, habitual abortion and to induce lactation.

  • 20 ml of fresh juice with honey or 300 ml of crushed grass decoction is to be taken on empty twice daily for urinary tract infection.

  • 20 ml of fresh juice with 150 ml of buttermilk on empty stomach is good for bleeding piles.

  • The paste with turmeric or neem (as per the condition) is good for skin problems like dandruff, scabies, eczema etc.

  • Eye wash with crushed Doorva and Triphala is very good in conjunctivitis and eye injuries.

Gardeners vouch for the grass as one of the tough and best turf grasses. Hindus pluck the tender top part of the grass with three leaves and offer it to Lord Ganesh. A story goes as Doorva also called Conch grass cured the burning and uneasiness in Ganesh’s stomach, which could not be contained by any other means including Lord Shiva’s divine serpent and Lord Vishnu’s divine lotus. The story is a proof to the exemplary therapeutic attributes of the simple humble grass.

For farmers, though it is a nasty weed and hence called devil’s grass, the grass can be a boon as the best fodder during drought. The grass can be semi-dormant, lose 50% of the moisture and survive a severe drought to bounce back with minimal watering. The grass also grows in soils ranging from clay to sandy and can withstand saline conditions. What else does a farmer need to believe and trust the grass also called Scutch grass? Dogs, cats and other animals eat the grass while they are indisposed with indigestion. Hence the name dog’s tooth grass.

A saying goes as respect the humblest and simplest of Nature’s creation as the best exists in small things……So let us understand and appreciate this Grass God of small things….the second of the Dashapushpams…..

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