Service Description
Woman is the pillar of the family and society. Woman health is the health of the humanity. Woman is bestowed by Nature with a unique responsibility of carrying the creation forward and caring the creation till adulthood. She is born with the anatomy and physiology to fulfil this purpose. Given the special status her health needs special attention. Ayurveda emphasizes on protecting and nurturing woman health right from the birth through menarche, fertile period to menopause and post menopause stages. Special treatment regimen has been advocated for woman health like month wise pregnancy routine, post natal care etc. We,at Sakalya Ayurveda AMAI Vanitha-Women Health Clinic follow the diligently formulated Woman Health Management protocol of Ayurveda Medical Association of India. We offer our patients the convenience of a one-stop clinic for the investigation, diagnosis, treatment, counselling and prevention of recurrence through Ayurveda lifestyle for a variety of gynaecological conditions. We also promote positive Woman Health through wellness management packages and Yoga. Ayurveda Obstetrics and Gynaecology is known as streeroga and prasoothitantra and is the care of the woman in total and the female reproductive system including cosmetology, contraception, the investigation and treatment of menstrual problems, sexual problems, infertility, problems relating to the menopause and disorders such as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. It also covers early pregnancy problems such as recurrent miscarriage. Vanitha-Woman Health Clinic offers the services of · Advice and treatment for hormone management including the menopause, pre- menstrual stress, osteoporosis and other hormone disorders. · Contraception evaluation and management. · Gynaecological problems (vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginal bleeding and genital infection). · Investigation and management of fertility problems. · Management and treatment of pelvic pain and endometriosis. · Screening and treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome. · Treatment of menstrual irregularities and menorrhagia (heavy periods). · Treatment of urinary incontinence and bladder control problems. · Urodynamic evaluations. · Wellwoman screening. · Cosmetology
Contact Details
Sakalya Ayurveda, Bilathikkulam, Kozhikode, Kerala, India